Making: Check CPU (CCPU)

ccpu running


Learning Rust by making a small TUI to check my CPU usage


I want to learn rust in a simple project. Maybe I am biting more than I can chew in here.
So let’s set up some goals.

The goals of this projects are:

Let’s start.

Coding CCPU:

I googled for a rust crate to check if there was an abstraction over syscalls to check cpu information and found one called sysinfo. Searching for terminal user interfaces in rust gave me a result, rata-tui.

I installed both, ratatui and sysinfo to the system.

cargo add ratatui crossterm sysinfo

I played around a bit with the sysinfo example code. After getting familiar I decided to learn about the CPU usage and found this link.

It’s perfect! It tells me the cpu name and the usage per core!

Snippet from their docs:

use sysinfo::{System, RefreshKind, CpuRefreshKind};
        let mut s = System::new_with_specifics(
        // Wait a bit because CPU usage is based on diff.
        // Refresh CPUs again.
        for cpu in s.cpus() {
            println!("{}%", cpu.cpu_usage());
            // and from a bit below

After fullfilling the first part of my requirements, I decided to dig into how to use rata-tui, the graphics library.

I did the excellent counter app example that get’s you from zero to hero in like an hour.

After that, I looked into the examples folder and saw that they had an example that exactly fullfilled what I wanted to do. A chart!

I used the example as a base and mixed it with what I had for CPUs.

I made an App struct for all of the state in the app as recommended by the rata-tui people.

struct App {
            window: [f64; 2],
            cpu_data: Vec<(f64, f64)>,
            cpu_threads: Vec<Vec<(f64, f64)>>,
            max_data_size: usize,
            current_index: usize,

I wanted to make it feel as if you went to the next page everytime the plot is full. I felt a clever by just using the same array and reseting it every time you reach the end.

 fn on_tick(&mut self, system: &mut System) {
                // update threads
                let cpu_threads = self.get_cpu_threads(system);
                for (i, &usage) in cpu_threads.iter().enumerate() {
                    let cpu = (self.current_index as f64, usage);
                    self.cpu_threads[i][self.current_index] = cpu;
                // update cpu
                let cpu = (self.current_index as f64, self.get_cpu_data(system));
                self.cpu_data[self.current_index] = cpu;
                // update index --> smort
                self.current_index = (self.current_index + 1) % self.max_data_size;
                // reset 
                if self.current_index == 0 {
                    for i in 0..self.cpu_threads.len() {
                        for j in 0..self.max_data_size {
                            self.cpu_threads[i][j] = (j as f64, i as f64);
                    for i in 0..self.max_data_size {
                        self.cpu_data[i] = (i as f64, 0.0);

The ui component is simple, two panels side by side to show both graphs, a graph of overall cpu usage and another one for usage per thread. And a top and bottom main_layer that I got from the tutorial on the README of rata-tui.

fn ui(f: &mut Frame, app: &App) {
            let main_layout =  Layout::new(
                .title("Check CPU")
                .title("Press `q` to quit."),
            let dataset_cpu = vec![
             // generate dataset for general cpu
            let dataset_threads: Vec<Dataset> = app.cpu_threads.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, core_data)| {
              // go through each vector and generate a dataset for each thread
            let chart_cpu = generate_chart("CPU Usage".to_string(), dataset_cpu, app.window);
            let chart_threads = generate_chart("Thread usage".to_string(), dataset_threads, app.window);
            let inner_layout = Layout::new(
                [Constraint::Percentage(30), Constraint::Percentage(70)],

With all of the relevant bulletpoints done, we can move to the conclusion.


The final project looks like this:

The final ccpu app running

I liked rust. The typing system that they have is nice and the compiler kind of guides you through common implementation mistakes. I specially loved the dead code messages.

Maybe I keep on working on the code of this and make an update for this. But for now, this code can be read in my m repo.

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